Type in French? Be sure to select Français from the pop-up. If you want to have macOS spell check your documents and you’re never going to use any other language than US English, you can select US English. See that pop-up that says “Automatic by Language”? Click on it and you’ll see a list of languages. You can either click the Change button (highlighted in blue above), tell it to Find Next (in which case it will highlight the next misspelled word), tell macOS to ignore the misspelled word, tell it to learn that spelling (for example, it may see a technical term as a misspelled word), to define the word, or to take a guess at what the word actually is. Type ⌘-Shift- after highlighting a misspelled word to see what the spell checker suggests. In this screenshot, it’s only showing one choice. Type ⌘-Shift- (otherwise known as ⌘-:), and a small dialog appears (see screenshot below) that shows the misspelled word and what it believes is the correct word or words since it can sometimes provide you with several choices.
Keep typing that keyboard combo, and your Mac cycles through the document, highlighting the words that may be misspelled. Type ⌘- (without the dash), and your Mac jumps to the next word it believes is misspelled. For the first, there’s a keyboard shortcut – Command ( ⌘ ) – semicolon ( ), and of course the second has its own shortcut – Command ( ⌘ ) – colon ( : ). How do you review spelling errors? There are a couple of ways: “Show Spelling and Grammar” and “Check Document Now”. They’ll leave “Check Spelling While Typing” enabled but disable “Correct Spelling Automatically”, so suspect words are highlighted for review but not corrected. Many writers I know like to type without auto-correction since it can be wrong in certain cases (just think of those annoying auto-correct errors on your iPhone!). This can backfire if the word corrected is similar to another word…in which case the correction is…incorrect! As you mistype a word, your Mac’s spelling smarts throw a blue dotted underline beneath the word it corrects, and that blue underline disappears immediately when you type the next word. Type a word incorrectly, and your Mac is going to change the spelling to what it believes the correct spelling is. When you’re typing a new document, chances are good that you might not see the red underline because you have “Correct Spelling Automatically” turned on. Normally, this happens in real-time as you’re typing, but if you happen to open a document that’s dozens or hundreds of pages long, it can take some time for your Mac to highlight the spelling errors. Enable “Check Spelling While Typing” again, and any misspelled words appear with the red dotted underlines.

If for some reason you decide to de-select those settings, you’d find that the misspellings no longer appear as underlined. Want to find the controls for spell checking to see what it’s doing? Click Edit > Spelling and Grammar, and you’ll find that by default, “Check Spelling While Typing” and “Correct Spelling Automatically” are selected. macOS Spell Check underlines words it believes to be misspelled with a red dotted line. What you’ll find is that Apple’s spelling routines underline those misspellings (did I spell that correctly?) with a red dotted line. Open a Pages document on your Mac, and type a paragraph or two with some deliberate spelling errors. Whether you’re using Pages, Numbers, Keynote, TextEdit, Mail, Messages or Safari on your Mac, the same spell check tool comes to your rescue to ensure perfectly spelled documents. Cn u spel OK? Fortunately, Apple has created a spell checking capability that works well in just about any Apple app.